Project-a-Day ..........hmmm................................

Well hello again. Today I have a lot on my mind swirling about in a big thought cloud so far.

I sat in on one of the most helpful, interesting and truly inspiring virtual labs I've ever been to over at yesterday. Noah Scalin, who wrote the book Skulls about his project-a-day experiment spoke about how to inspire creativity on a daily basis. Check out this little interview of Noah in the Etsy Labs to see what I mean:

So, now I am really thinking I need an idea for my own project-a-day experiment. I think that I need to limit myself to a project-a-week though to start out (and maybe make the timeline something more like 100 days or something) or my poor family will be utterly neglected and I could end up a basket-case before I am through. But who knows, perhaps it will be so inspiring that I will feel the need to do it daily for an entire year. I guess we'll see.

I sat down last night and wrote out some ideas for what I could do as my project-a-week thing (which I'm going to start referring to as the PAW simply because it's easier on my little typing fingers) and here's a list of what I've come up with so far:
  • carve a stamp a day
  • work on a project each week for each category of the shop (i.e. week 1: stamps, week 2: paperie items, week 3: jewelry and week 4: yarn works)
  • one blog post a day
  • learn one new Photoshop technique or trick per week and blog about it.
  • take a photograph of one thing that inspires me each day
  • create a post about one useful thing a day (or per week)
  • pick one business related thing to use as a theme each month and find links to relevant info about it
  • pick a theme for each month and use that theme to create something in each of the shop categories (similar to the second idea in this list). So for example, if I chose flowers for the month of May, I would focus on flower stamp ideas for week 1, flower cards etc. for week 2, flower jewelry for week 3 and flower yarn things for week 4.
I am also thinking of doing this in a non-business related context for my other newer personal blog (which you are all invited to check out if you like right here) with ideas like these:
  • trying a new recipe a day
  • a link a day to some sort of healthy lifestyle thing
  • a photo a day (could do chicken photos, plants, parks, pets, kids, family, hmmmm? )
  • a quote a day
  • a prayer a day
  • a purge a day where I photograph something I'm getting rid of each day for a year.
  • a wish item a day where I create links or pics or a post of something I really want that day (maybe each week so my wanter doesn't get out of control :] )
  • ?????
Well, hmmm. Now you know what's swirling around in my head. I would love to have your opinion about this idea. Please tell me.........what do you think I should do?


Noah said...

So glad to hear that I inspired you to create your own daily project! Please keep me updated on what you do.
Noah from Skull-A-Day

Melody said...

aww...thanks Noah! You really got the wheels turning. I certainly enjoyed the virtual lab with you last week. Time just flew by. I've got my eye on that book of yours ;) Thanks for inspiring all of us to stretch.