It is Time

Dear Readers,

My goodness, it's been a while since my last post. You remember, the one where I told you all that I was going to post more regularly and schedule everything out? Yeah, about that....

Life has not been playing nice with me for the last several months. Well, really, it's been more like a very slow unraveling due to my trying to balance (not very successfully) all my business responsibilities with homeschooling my youngest son, serving in far too many capacities at my church, taking care of our home and family, teaching stamp carving classes, and bearing the sole responsibility of managing life for my younger brother who sustained a significant traumatic brain injury several years ago.

I apologize for the lack of upkeep on the blog and my spotty social media presence. Trust me, I know how unprofessional it looks.

I've always been one of those people everyone envies because I happen to be naturally proficient in many creative areas. Consequently, that makes me often the one people turn to for help with their projects or needs. I also tend to be someone who readily volunteers my talents when I hear of a need because I love to bless people. I also don't like saying "no". Because of this, I often find myself treading eyeball deep in several projects at once. This is not a healthy way to go about life. Especially not for any extended periods of time.

What can I say? I'm a slow learner at times. *sigh

Over the last several months...maybe even as much as a year, I finally noticed the drain this was becoming on my physical and mental health. (I told you....I'm a slow learner. Or just headstrong.)  My wonderful husband, in his patient wisdom, has faithfully encouraged me to be more selective about what I would agree to and, although I am stubborn as heck, I finally saw the necessity of that wisdom. Too bad it took me experiencing the effects of depression and near mental shutdown before I recognized it as a legitimate need.

My body began to demand my attention as it refused to recuperate as willingly or as quickly as it had in the past after exhausting its energy reserves on my crazy nearly-all-nighters to meet unreasonable deadlines that I had imposed on myself. It became obvious that it was time.

Time for a change.

I am choosing to slow things down. To choose much more carefully what I agree to doing. To step back from many of the things that were demanding so much of me.

You know what I've found?

There's a grace there. A grace that helps me realize that in stepping back I actually make room for someone new to step forward and use their abilities to bless someone. This is a beautiful thing. I get to watch someone else's talents blossom and grow and stretch as they fill the gap left. I become the mentor and encourager, which is still a blessing both to someone else and to me.

I am reminded of the scripture in 1 Peter chapter 4:
10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

As I grow in wisdom and maturity, it is my responsibility as a faithful steward of God's grace to pass on the gift of serving to those who need opportunities to use their giftings.

Well, that's what I'm doing. Simplifying.

There's a lot to be said for simplifying your life. That is my focus at the moment. Paring back what is not essential and making room for that which is. Eliminating the things that are draining our joy and our peace so we can focus on the things that truly bless us and let us share our talents to the actual best of our ability.

It is difficult to do many things really well. It is much better to do a few things excellently. I am learning this lesson the hard way.

I'm not going to promise that I'll post more regularly even though I really hope that's true. Instead, I can only hope that what I do post is full of valuable insight and encouragement and that it will be worth your while to read it.


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